A blog on gardening, life by the sea, photography and wildlife

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Third week in May on the plot

I took a chance this year and planted my runner beans out early hoping to get an earlier crop, time will tell, all plants are in except the baby sweet corn which go in later this week.

accord 1st early, belle de fonteney 2nd early and pink fir apple main crop potatoes
Strawberry patch will need covering as soon as fruits form
My over wintered broad beans will soon be ready to pick
Enorma runner bean and Blue Lake green bean on the left are the pot marigold plants
Part of the perpetual spinach patch 
I had to pinch the tips out as the blackfly had started to invade the broad beans
Frame and netting ready for the alderman peas


  1. Looks like you are well ahead, David, especially with the Broad Beans. I'm intrigued by your Perpetual Spinach. I have grown this a couple of times, but it didn't look like yours. Mine was much more akin to Swiss Chard. What variety is yours?

  2. Our runner and climbing French beans are just about ready for planting out. I'm not tempted to go for early crops as we always seem to have a late frost which doesn't do the plants any good at all.

    1. Martyn we are a few hundred miles south of you so can away with a few weeks earlier but I do sow a back up crop just in case

  3. Mark my spinach doesn't usually look this is either more like chard not dude if the variety will let you know when I do

  4. Don't the bees just love the cornflowers? When our beans do go out it's a lottery with the slugs heading their way.

    1. I am trying organic slug pellets for the first time this year fingers crossed
