A blog on gardening, life by the sea, photography and wildlife

Thursday 30 August 2012


Hoverflies feeding on my tradescantia pollen in the garden, they are kind enough to let you photograph them while they are feeding providing you don`t get the camera lens too close. I welcome them in the garden and allotment plot as the larvae of some are partial to aphids.

Adult common hoverfly
Male Sphaerophoria scripta hoverfly wingspan and body length about 1cm
lifesize is about 1.5x the ladybird cursor

Nikon D40 AP 18-55vr @55mm x4 close up filter ISO400 1/320  f9 
 Marmalade hoverfly (1cm)  I love the iridescence of the wings
Lifesize as above
Iso 400 1/400 f25


  1. Terrific photos! One of my best is of a hoverfly on a poached egg plant flower. Flighty

    1. would love to see that is on a previous posting?
